Sunday, February 11, 2007

Back to Bolivia (at last)

I wrote this on the tenth of February, when I got back to Bolivia. Only I didn't have a blog to publish it on yet. You should also visit the Wicked Delicate Films website, where there are photos and a bunch of other interesting films:

Follow the link for "Documentaries" and then for "A Miner's Luck"

Text of first post below:

So I've finally gotten back to Bolivia, and back into the hustle of La Paz. Seems like the minute I stepped off of the plane I had a million things that I need to do. And I also learned that I missed a major miner's protest against the governments proposal to raise taxes. There were apparently some thirty thousand cooperativistas here in La Paz on Tuesday marching and throwing dynamite. I'm particularly sad that I missed it because there aren't that many times when thirty thousand miners march peacefully. It would have been a good moment to film and from everything that I understand miners on the march is a pretty intimidating sight.

I am also worried that this may be a sign of the conflicts escalating between the cooperativistas and the government. I'll see what I can learn when I go back to Siglo XX.

Meantime, I'm exhausted. Six weeks is a long time to be away, and I seem to have lost any acclimatization to the altitude that I might have had. Though running at sea level last week was pretty darn hard, too. Even so, it's good to be back.